

Welcome to the NetLogo-Weather-Simulation repository! Here, you’ll find a simple Proof of Concept (POC) model for a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system simulation, built using NetLogo. Our main aim is to demonstrate the simulation of various weather phenomena, such as rain, and their effects on crop yield using NetLogo Agent-based modeling. Please note that this project is currently under development and focuses solely on showcasing the simulation capabilities with the agent-based modeling software NetLogo, without aiming for a broader potential at this stage.

Features [Under Development]

Our NetLogo model provides the following features:

Note: Some features are still under development and may not be fully functional. Additionally, certain features are planned but have not yet been implemented (work in progress…).

Future Development plans

We plan to integrate Python into the NetLogo project to enhance its capabilities and extend its functionality. This will enable additional analysis and data processing to enhance the modeling functionality. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting development!



  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the NetLogo-Weather-Simulation.nlogo file using the NetLogo software.
  3. Adjust simulation parameters as desired using the graphical interface.
  4. Run the simulation to observe weather phenomena and their impacts on crop yield.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
